March 30, 2025

11:00am Sunday Worship

Call to Worship


Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon

Passing of the Peace

Message - Paul Kim

Time of Offering



Sunday Prayer Meetings - Join our prayer team every Sunday at 10:15 am to prayer for our church and our community. Please contact with questions or prayer requests.

Volleyball Ministry - Looking for an opportunity to fellowship with others over a friendly game of volleyball? Join our volleyball ministry on Sunday, April 6th & May 4th, at Spartan Rec Center in Shoreline between 3-6 PM. Cost for the gym rental will be split between participants, estimated at $20 per person. Please contact Ellen Choy with questions and to RSVP.

Good Friday Worship - Join us on Friday, April 18th at 7 PM in the SCC Sanctuary for a contemplative Good Friday Service as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

Ryder Cup - Register today to join the SCC Ryder Cup on Sunday, April 27th at 2:30 PM at the Newcastle Golf Course (China Creek). Come fellowship with fellow golfers at SCC in a friendly competition. The cost is $105 per entrant which includes the green fee and cart. Payment will be made at the golf course. Register online here before April 20th to join. Please contact Young Kim with questions.

2024 Tithe Contribution Receipts – Please email to request a copy of your receipt. These will be available starting Jan 19th.

Sign up for Fellowship in 2025Sign-up here to provide lunch in 2025!  Please contact Jackie Yang or Kate Hwang with questions about fellowship ministry. Or contact for technical assistance. 

Children’s Ministry Parent Co-op Sign ups We are asking each family in our Children’s Ministry to volunteer every other month to assist in one of our classes: K-5, Pre-K, Nursery, or as a Parent Monitor at the playground during Fellowship. Please Sign-up Here or contact Esther Yu with any questions. 


Fellowship Hall Set Up - Looking for an easy way to serve or get involved? We're looking for volunteers to help with weekly Fellowship Hall Set up on Sunday mornings! Sign up here for the Sundays you are available, then come to church early at 10:30 AM to help. Thank you! Contact with questions. 

Children’s Ministry – Are you looking for an opportunity to serve? Come join our Children’s Ministry Sunday School team! No experience necessary - just a heart to serve.  If you have any questions, contact Esther Yu

Prayer Team – Join our Prayer Team, Sundays at 9 AM, online on zoom here. Please contact Nadia Choe if you have questions.

Makers Group Bring a current craft project or try something new! Everything from embroidery to felting, dremel / small woodworking, painting, knitting, jewelry making, and more! We meet on Tuesdays from 8:30-9:30 PM at Nichole Choi’s house in Shoreline. Contact Nichole Choi for more information. 

Café Ministry – Help provide a fresh hot cup of espresso before service! If you would like to help, contact Young Kim

Serving Opportunities – Looking for other opportunities to serve? There are several ministries here at SCC that would love to have you on the team. To find out more contact 


 To view our online calendar, visit our website: