SCC Youth
Our teenage years were some of the most formative years of our lives. Trying to find yourself and your place in the world, while navigating some of the most important life choices can be overwhelming. Here at SCC, we believe that young people are not just the future of the church, but that they are a vital part of it right now. Our hope is to empower them to make a difference in our community and the world whilst making the connections they need to build strong and lasting support systems that can further empower them as they transition into adulthood.

Get Involved.
Youth Group
Every Friday from 7:00-9:00PM, we gather together with friends to have fun and learn about God. Games, study, and laughter are always included
Youth Worship
Every Sunday our youth join together at 11:00AM to worship God. After a time of praise, they hear a message from our Youth Director, Boston J., before breaking out into smaller groups.
If you are interested in attending either program or have any questions, click on the link below!