Serving our neighborhood and the world
Every year, our church commits at least 10% of the previous year’s tithes and offerings to fund outreach and missions activities, both locally and globally. We are especially committed to serving the city of Seattle and our neighbors who live here, through works and giving. We hope you will join us as we reach out and care for those in need.
Tierra Nueva
Tierra Nueva (New Earth), an international Christian ministry based in Burlington, Washington that seeks to share the good news of God's total liberation, healing, and transformation in Jesus Christ with people on the margins, especially those affected by addiction, incarceration, and immigration. You are invited to join them for worship at 4:30pm every Sunday and contact us for more information on how to help.
Feeding Ministry
The Feeding Ministry at SCC brings together members to serve the community, as well as further bond and strengthen our own. We partner with Operation Nightwatch once a quarter to serve the community through hot and delicious meals (our teriyaki chicken with vegetables recipe!). For more information and to get involved, please contact Susie Shepard.
R.E.S.T. for Women
REST is a small team of women with experience dealing with troubled youth and sexual abuse issues. With backgrounds in wraparound services and case management they seek to develop relationships with people being commercially sexually exploited (trafficked), or otherwise engaged in the sex trade or are at risk to enter. Their goal is to help them find a path to freedom.
Guatemala Mission
In August of each year, we gather a team and head to Guatemala to partner with local leaders in serving the community. From working in orphanages, to building homes and friendships, this trip is a great chance to serve God and love our neighbors. Our 2024 mission trip is scheduled for August 16 - 24. Please contact ministry@seattlechurch.org for more information and to get involved.
Volunteer at SCC
We are always looking for new leaders and volunteers to join our ministries. From making lunch on Sundays, to helping out in our Children's Ministry program, to running the video camera during worship service - we need you! Contact us to find out where your passion and excitement can intersect with the needs of our community.