Upcoming events.

Men's Ministry: Ping Pong Pizza Party
Are you looking to meet and bond with your fellow brothers in Christ? Come join us for a game of Ping Pong and a slice of Pizza at SCC on Saturday, March 29th. RSVP online here. Please contact Dean Kim with questions.

Volleyball Ministry
Looking for an opportunity to fellowship with others over a friendly game of volleyball? Join our volleyball ministry on Sunday, April 6th & May 4th, at Spartan Rec Center in Shoreline between 3-6 PM. Cost for the gym rental will be split between participants, estimated at $20 per person. Please contact Ellen Choy with questions and to RSVP.

Good Friday Worship
Join us on Friday, April 18th at 7 PM in the SCC Sanctuary for a contemplative Good Friday Service as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

Ryder Cup
Register today to join the SCC Ryder Cup on Sunday, April 27th at 2:30 PM at the Newcastle Golf Course (China Creek). Come fellowship with fellow golfers at SCC in a friendly competition. The cost is $105 per entrant which includes the green fee and cart. Payment will be made at the golf course. Register online here before April 20th to join. Please contact Young Kim with questions.

Installation Service
Join us Sunday, March 23rd, for a special afternoon Installation Service followed by an early supper. Please note, that there will NOT be an 11AM morning Worship service on March 23rd. Please contact Ministry@SeattleChurch.org with questions.

Women's Ministry: Scent Cloth Making Party
We need your time and willingness to create something memorable for families and their babies at Seattle Children's Hospital. Scent cloths are used in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Parents wear these cloths to pick up their scents so when they need to leave their baby who is hospitalized, the baby has the scent cloth placed near them to still have the parent's smell which is comforting for the baby. The NICU at Seattle Children's Hospital is running low on scent cloths. We are hoping for all hands on deck to create as many scent cloths as possible. You don't need experience, though if you have your own sewing machine and sewing shears, please bring them! Everyone with a sewing machine will be using their own machine. Please contact Yuko Ward with any questions or to join.

Spring Cleaning
Save the date: Saturday, March 15th for Spring Cleaning. Come join our community as we clean and care for our building, together. Please contact Ministry@SeattleChurch.org with questions.

Guatemala Mission Trip Info Meeting
Interested in joining our annual mission team to Guatemala, August 9th - 16th? Volunteer in orphanages, build homes for families, and learn more about what God is doing in the local community through our ministry partners. Come to the info meeting on March 9th in the meeting room at 12:30 PM to learn more. Please contact Jackie Yang with questions or to learn more.

Ash Wednesday Worship
Join us at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5th for a reflective Ash Wednesday Worship Service. Come prepare your heart as we enter into the Lenten season, together.

Feeding Ministry
Volunteer for feeding ministry on Friday, February 28th. Come cook, serve and/or clean as we serve the homeless in our local community in partnership with Operation Nightwatch. Please contact Susie Shepard with questions or to get involved.

Women's Ministry 2025 Welcome Brunch
Join our Women's Ministry for a welcome 2025 brunch on Saturday, February 22nd at 10 am at SCC. Come enjoy delicious foods, get to know other women in our community, and hear about the upcoming year from our 2025 Women's Ministry Leads: Yuko Ward & Doni Kwak. Please contact Yuko Ward with any questions.

Youth Murder Mystery Party
Join SCC Youth for their annual Murder Mystery Party on Friday, February 21st at 6:30 pm. This year our theme is Fairytale! Register online now to receive a character and for your spot in our murderous story! Please contact Boston Johnson with questions.

Annual Planning Meeting
Join us for our Annual Planning Meeting on Saturday, January 18th at 9 am as we plan and vision for the new year. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Youth Winter Retreat
Have a kid in 6th - 12th grade? Register them here for our Youth Winter Retreat in Enumclaw from January 2 - 4. Contact Boston Johnson with questions.

Young Couples' Group
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Join us for our next meeting in January.
If you are a young adult couple please join us on Sunday, Dec 15th at 5:30 pm, for a time of intentional fellowship and growth. This month will be hosted by Susan and Greg Miller in Laurelhurst. Contact Boston Johnson for more information.

OM2 Christmas Giving Tree
Who doesn't love receiving Christmas gifts? OM2 is partnering with Youth with a Mission, Freedom River Outreach, Immanuel Children's Foundation, and Penny's Place to provide Christmas gifts for kids and families in need. To participate, look for a Christmas Tree in the SCC foyer with gift tags, purchase one or more gifts, and bring them back to SCC by December 15th. For more information, please contact Ellen Yang.

Congregational Meeting
Join us on Sunday, December 8th, immediately following the service, for a congregational meeting. Come receive updates on our ministries and vote on next year's budget and session elders.

Women's Ministry Cookie Exchange
It’s time for our annual SCC Women’s Ministry Cookie Exchange! Please join us to lunch and share in fellowship with the women at SCC. Please bring 2 dozen cookies to exchange. RSVP via the evite or contact Ministry@SeattleChurch.org.

Help us Decorate for Christmas
Join us on December 1st as we get ready to usher in the season of Christmas by decorating our Church. Join us in the foyer immediately following the service. Contact Ministry@SeattleChurch.org with questions and to volunteer.

Thanksgiving Day Brunch
Join us on Thanksgiving morning for a community brunch at 11 AM in the SCC Fellowship Hall. Sign up here to bring a dish to share. Contact Jackie Yang with questions.

SCC Membership Class
Interested in becoming a member of SCC? Join our membership class this Sunday after the service. Contact Pastor Andrea Chaumont with questions.

Thanksgiving Sunday Potluck
Sign up here to bring a dish for our annual Thanksgiving Sunday potluck on November 24th. Contact Ministry@SeattleChurch.org with questions.

Men's Ministry Walk & Brunch
Join our Men's Ministry for a walk around Greenlake followed by lunch. Meet at the West Parking lot of Greenlake at 9:30 a.m. rain or shine. Please contact Dean or Bert before Saturday morning to RSVP and so they can update you on any last-minute changes.

Congregational Meeting
Join us on Sunday, November 17th, immediately following the service, for a very special congregational meeting.

Children's Ministry Family Meet & Greet
Join us Sunday, November 10th, during lunch for a special Children's Ministry family meet and greet. I'll reserve some tables for families with kids ages 0 - 12 so that you can get to know other families in our ministry as well as have a chance to talk with myself and some of the other teachers!

ICF Annual Fundraiser
Please join us for a festive night of food, fellowship, and fundraising! Silent auction, live auction, and dessert dash - oh my!
Come and find out more about the children and happenings at Immanuel Children's Home in Guatemala. Child care is provided and includes dinner for the children at no additional cost.
Feel good fun awaits! See you there! Register online here.
Please contact Jackie or Tom Yang with questions.
Learn more about ICF

Youth Lock-In
Join the youth group for a weekend of fun and fellowship. Stay the night at church from starting at 7 PM on Friday, Nov. 1st through 11 AM on Saturday, Nov. 2nd. Contact Boston Johnson for more info. Register Here. Contact Boston Johnson for more info.

Halloween at SCC
Get your costumes ready for Sunday, October 27th! Take a picture in our photobooth to enter our costume contest and check out our kid's activities. Please contact Esther Yu with questions or to volunteer.

Fall Cleaning
Save the date: Saturday, October 26th for Fall Cleaning. Come join our community as we clean and care for our building, together. Please contact Ministry@SeattleChurch.org with questions.

OM2 Blood Drive
OM2 is hosting a blood drive at SCC on Sunday, October 13th! We need 20+ participants to schedule the drive. Find out here if you're eligible to donate. Please register here to sign up for a timeslot between 9 AM - 3 PM. Please contact Ministry@SeattleChurch.org with questions.

Young Couples’ Group
If you are a young adult couple please join us on Saturday, Oct 12th at 5 pm, for a time of intentional fellowship and growth. This month's gathering will be hosted by Mandy and Todd Baek in Bothell. Contact Boston Johnson for more information and to RSVP.

Family Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Bring your family to Craven Farm in Snohomish on Saturday, October 12th! Esther and Boston will be there from 10 AM - 2 PM, representing SCC’s Children’s and Youth Ministries. Come say hello and enjoy some delicious fall treats! Then join us as we jump into the corn maze and see if we can find a way through. Contact Esther or Boston for more info.

26th Anniversary Potluck
Sign up here to bring a dish for our 26th Anniversary Potluck on October 6th. Come celebrate 26 amazing years of ministry, community, and fellowship! Contact Ministry@SeattleChurch.org with questions.

Women's Fall Retreat
Register here for the Women's Fall Retreat: October 4-6. Escape to the serene quiet of the Cascade mountains for a time of spiritual reflection, connection with God, and fellowship with one another.
Planning an Event?
Facilities Use Request
All groups seeking to use church facilities for other than normal, liturgical events, must request use of the facilities at least four weeks in advance. Refer to the Facilities Use Policy of Seattle Community Church for additional information. If you'd prefer to fill out a hard copy, you can download the form here and then submit via email or turn in a printed copy to the main office. Contact ministry@seattlechurch.org with any questions.
Reimbursement Request
Download a copy of the Reimbursement Form here. Please email your completed form to finance@seattlechurch.org along with itemized receipts. Or submit a hard copy to the finance bin in the SCC main office. All forms must be approved by the appropriate ministry leader. Please allow 1-3 weeks for reimbursement checks to be processed. All receipts must be submitted to Finance Box by December 24th of current year to be processed.